Ready to step into your Pleasure? Reclaim the power of the Feminine!
Get the love & sex you want.
If you are craving something deeper, ready to step into and activate the power of you, and just want to get away and be nourished this is it.Â
This will be an intimate and special opportunity for connection, healing, growth, rejuvenation, and life long connections.Â
Plus…you’ll experience Temazcal, jungle hikes, private beach, surfing, horse rides, self care and massage, yoni steams, + more.
What Will We Be Doing in the Retreat Workshop ?
The Gift of sitting with women in a sacred circle and learning, sharing stories and experiences is worth so much in even a short amount of time, we come back to our softness our laugher, our miraculous bodies In this safe container softness, creativity, release and the magnitude of the feminine heart is honored. Powerful practices to release the shadows, shame, and past experiences that have blocked you from experiencing your full pleasure potential
When you master the skills of your Pleasure you are empowered to get the pleasure you deserve inside and outside the bedroom. This is a BodySex based workshop, this means we will be sitting in a circle together, nude, we will be learning about our pleasure anatomy, we will be practicing feminine rituals such as genital show and share, Vulva mapping, and Practicing in Erotic Recess the Rock and Roll Technique to Enhance Orgasm and Stregthen your Pelvic Floor. This is an opportunity to demystify your Orgasm- learn what you may have not been taught before, and get a hands on experience to know and claim what your body has to offer, in safe and supportive container, amongst sisters.
What You Will Walk Away with After This Workshop:
A vibrant and intentional sexual relationship with yourself
Ability to feel and communicate your feelings, desires, needs, and boundaries
Ability to communicate what you are actually drawn to, to listen to your body, to honor the wisdom of your body and what she is communicating with you
Release any guilt of letting others down or people pleasing habits and harness what agency it is to be unapologetically you
The confidence to be at home in your body with yourself and in partnership
Rekindle the desire of your body, mind and spirit