Learn a New Orgasm: How to Upgrade Your Masturbation Technique
Over the years, one frequently asked question comes from women and a few men who are unable to incorporate their current method of masturbation into partnersex. Many have carried the same pattern of childhood masturbation over into adulthood and it's now the only way...
How to Use the Barbell
Betty Dodson PhD has proven though working with thousands of women that a strong pelvic floor muscle enhances orgasm with oneself and during partner sex. The same muscle also insures bladder control, maintains vaginal health, and contributes to a person's overall...
From Trauma to Orgasms
Every Woman on the Planet Has Been Sexually Traumatized. At best, we've been objectified, demeaned, shamed, guilted, and manipulated into believing that we don't deserve pleasure on our own terms. At worst, we've been groped, assaulted, raped and blamed for male lust....
How Can I Relax & Embrace Pleasure During Pregnancy?
Dear Betty, First of all, thank you for doing this noble work of yours. I have been in a loving, monogamous relationship with my man for about five years. Before him, I had six partners and not really fulfilling romantic or sexual life. My first partner was...
Am I Asexual?
Hi Dr. Betty, I don't know whether I'm asexual or what's up with me. I'm a 24 year old girl. I can watch porn, get turned on and rub my clit until I orgasm, but whenever I've tried sexual things with someone else I just don't get turned on, if anything their bodily...
Sexual Fantasy is as Important as Genital Stimulation
While I understand vibrators are here to stay along with other sex toys and porn, the younger generation seems to be overly reliant on technology. They forget our most potent sexual motivation is the human brain. Before being hooked on my vibrator, I'd made it to the...
How Attachment Parenting My Children Taught Me Self-Love
When I was 19 I travelled to East Africa hoping to live with and learn from other cultures. Arriving in Kenya I was told about a semi-nomadic tribe called the Maasai, who lived in Southern Kenya and part of Tanzania. Traditional way of life for the Maasai revolved...
We Need to See More Nudity
Nudity helps us appreciate and love our bodies. All bodies are beautifully unique and imperfect.
A Woman’s Erection Needs 20-30 Minutes of Adequate Stimulation
I fully understand that teaching is repetition. So again I repeat: the clitoral body is the primary source of orgasm whether it's stimulated externally, internally, or both at the same time. I prefer both. Once a woman understands she can have both clitoral...
Will Using Organic Oil for Lubrication Give Me UTIs?
Dear Dr. Betty, I'm 59, and I have just started to learn how to have enjoyable sex. I've been plagued all my life with UTIs. I've been warned to use only water based lubrications or I'll get UTI's, and/or urethritis. When researching G spot orgasms, I read that almond...
STI Makes Me Feel Like Damaged Goods
Hi Betty! I was recently diagnosed with HPV. The doctor gave me a thorough explanation about the virus. He helped me understand that HPV is more common than we think, that “almost everyone has it”, that it’s “no biggie.” He said to take care of my body and just go on...
Betty’s Rock ‘n Roll Orgasm Technique
People always ask about Betty's Rock 'n Roll orgasm technique. She spells it out in First Time Orgasm, and Learn a New Orgasm: How to Upgrade Your Masturbation Technique Basically, you're lying on your back with your legs bent hip distance apart...rock your pelvis...
Awakening the Clitoris
After hearing countless sex histories from girls and women over the past four decades, I believe sexual repression begins the moment a parent or caregiver punishes a child’s natural curiosity for touching their own sex organs. Society needs to understand that the...
Why is Everyone Scared of STIs?
Hi Dr. Betty, First off (and I know you've heard this from me a million times before): love the site, love the work you are doing, and you are absolutely my #1 sex guru forever. I turn to you again for advice on a situation I am finding particularly difficult in my...
Menopause & Hormone Replacement: One Sexologist’s Experience
To my knowledge, there is no one-size-fits-all solution for a woman to remain vaginally active long past menopause without some kind of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). It's unfortunate, but each of us must find our own path through trial and error. First off,...