Mission of the Bodysex Certification Program
The goal of our certification program is to train women in the Betty Dodson method of selflove and independent orgasm so that the work expands to every country around the world. The goal is sexual equality for all women – a feminist aspiration.
Without sexual freedom, there is no sense of self. To liberate women, we must liberate their sexuality. The female model of sexual response must be a part of the world culture. Healthy sexual expression including self-sexuality must be taught and practiced.
When Betty and I first got together, we had this vision of a world map with red lights being illuminated every time someone clicked on D&R. Now we feel that those red lights represent women certified in the Betty Dodson method.
There will be a learning curve and we are here for your questions. You will crawl, walk and then run. It will take time to build your name and start your business. We want you to be successful and to honor the Betty Dodson brand.
To hold the space for women, you must cycle sex positive energy in your daily life. You must come from a place of compassion. All women have experienced sexual trauma in different degrees. Yours is a role of guide…coach…support system. When trauma bubbles to the surface, we release it and hold the space quietly. There is no place for ego or insult – just understanding.
Bodysex will call into question your belief system…how you define happiness…how you experience pleasure. Bodysex will challenge you in the most beautiful ways possible. For Betty, it brought her to feminist writer and icon. It brought me to activism and motherhood.
Know that it’s more than just a program – it’s a personal journey. With each circle and client, you will grow and become a better version of yourself.
The Bodysex Philosophy, Core Beliefs, and Professional Standards and Code of Ethics are here to guide you in your role as “Leader”. There will be bumps along the way – the Bodysex sisterhood is here for you as am I. It is work to become a fully sexual woman. It is work to become a Bodysex Leader. Supporting women to fully move into pleasure – into themselves – will fill your heart with joy, give you a sense of purpose, and make you fucking happy.
– Carlin Ross