

Published November 20, 2024

This month we wrote about our experiences with abortion.

Browse the links below to read the full post.

Abortion: A Self-Reflection

“Pregnancy can be a natural process until it goes horribly wrong.”
by Grace Oasis

The Abortion Issue is a Red Herring

“. . . our rightful place as those with uteruses is knowing that we are the threshold of life.”
by Lincoln

The Fullness of Motherhood and the Need for Choice

“In all the ways motherhood is amazing, it can also feel like imprisonment.”
by Lakota Fradette

My Abortion Experience

“I know that if I hadn’t been broken and sexually abused – if I hadn’t been diminished by my gender – I would never have needed an abortion”
by Carlin Ross

Gut-Punched by the Dobbs Decision

“I’ve never been pregnant, so I never had to make the difficult decision to end a pregnancy. But I was always glad that I had that choice. “
by Laura Bogush

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