Listen to podcasts recorded by Betty Dodson, Carlin Ross, Laura Bogush, and guests
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The Fur That Grows On My Skin
Wendy shares her relationship with the fur that grows on her skin.
The Hand – Vibe Balance
It's not hands or vibrators - it's both! Learn your orgasm build up: take breaks, change positions, change your clit stim and explore your body. Variety is arousing.
Orgasms During Partner Sex
There are two choices. You have to either run the fuck or accept that sometimes fucking can be foreplay for masturbation. Carlin and Laura explain.
Your Body Exists for Your Pleasure
The hardest thing is to make time for our pleasure.
STIs and Shame
The board of directors for the Betty Dodson Foundation sat down to talk about STIs and shame. We've all been there.
Vulva Massage
The first step in becoming orgasmic is vulva massage.
Variation in Vulvas
Betty championed the vulva and brought the word clitoris into popular language. In honor of the second anniversary of Betty's passing, we talk about the clitoris and the variety of vulvas. There's great variety in the size, shape, and color of the clitoris, clitoral...
You are the Source of Your Own Pleasure
Why is it so hard for women to connect to their own pleasure? Carlin and Laura break down orgasm resistance.
Arousal Precedes Desire
Don't wait for desire. Get yourself aroused and desire will follow.
Partner-Assisted Orgasms
As Betty said, "it's about my finger on my clit". Partners only enhance your orgasm because no one knows your sex organ better than you. But we do love their fingers and there's nothing like staying at the opening 😉 Did I mention that Betty shared her new fantasy...
Gratitude for Our Changing Bodies
As we age, accept the changes. Trust and appreciate your body at every stage. Pleasure lasts a lifetime.
It’s Body – Sex
Betty Dodson named her workshops Body - sex for a reason. We need to be connected to our bodies to experience pleasure. Accept your body, appreciate your body. Then you can fully experience sexual pleasure and share your body with another person with agency.
Fantasy Jumpstarts Arousal
Fantasy jumpstarts arousal to get to desire. It builds the mind-body connection and helps us "stay with it" to move fully into pleasure.
Body Meditation
Touching our body and feeling gratitude is the first step to becoming orgasmic. This podcast is for women who hit resistance with vulva massage. Simply running our hands over our body and hugging our vulvas can be enough.