by Betty Dodson | Aug 2, 2018 | Article, Betty Dodson, Fantasy, Masturbation Techniques, Orgasm, Penetration, Self-Pleasure
One of the first emails is from a gal writing for a woman’s magazine: They are doing a piece on how women can have the best orgasms/sex life possible from “experts.” I get right to it. The last question is: “What is your own go-to trick when it comes to reaching an...
by Betty Dodson | Jul 26, 2018 | Article, Betty Dodson, Desire, Masturbation Techniques, Rock 'n Roll, Self-Pleasure, Sex Toys
Teaching is about repetition so here I go again saying the same thing once more with different words. There seems to be no “common sense” when it comes to women’s orgasms because most of us demand instant success the American way…add hot water and stir. Or we are...
by Betty Dodson | Jul 26, 2018 | Article, Masturbation Techniques, Orgasm, Rock 'n Roll, Self-Pleasure
Over the years, one frequently asked question comes from women and a few men who are unable to incorporate their current method of masturbation into partnersex. Many have carried the same pattern of childhood masturbation over into adulthood and it’s now the...
by Carlin Ross | Feb 21, 2013 | Article, Carlin Ross, Masturbation Techniques, Orgasm, Penetration, Rock 'n Roll, Self-Pleasure
People always ask about Betty’s Rock ‘n Roll orgasm technique. She spells it out in First Time Orgasm, and Learn a New Orgasm: How to Upgrade Your Masturbation Technique Basically, you’re lying on your back with your legs bent hip distance...