Penetrating Your Vagina for the First Time
You will need a few basic items. If at all possible set aside at least an hour in a warm room that’s completely private. Turn off the phone and put your cell phone in another room. Wash you hands and make sure you have smooth clean fingernails. 1. For your...
Post-Abuse My Vagina is Chronically Tight & Dry
Dear Betty, As a child and early teen I experienced sexual force by an adult repeatedly. I would squeeze my vagina very tight to prevent penetration. It only angered the adult and ultimately did not prevent him. As a result when I finally had sex with my someone in my...
The Basic Structures of Your Vulva
Betty has championed the distinction of “vulva” vs “vagina” for decades and there’s a very important reason. Your vulva is your clitoral glans, inner and outer labia and your vaginal opening. Your clitoris exists solely for pleasure. ...
Examples of Unbroken Hymens
I never had a hymen…Betty never had a hymen. When I shared with my mother that hymens thin out and break apart with the release of estrogen during puberty, she was relieved. She was a virgin when she got married and always wondered why she didn’t bleed...