Lakota Fradette
Olivet, Michigan

My name is Lakota Fradette, and I am a bodysex facilitator in the mid Michigan area.
I offer virtual and in person one on one coaching. I also offer in person bodysex workshops in the mid Michigan area. All bodies with a vulva are welcome to attend any type of work with me.
I have endured childhood sexual abuse. For years I fought back and forth on how to move through it. I read all the books, embraced the practices, and I ultimately found that talk therapy kept me in my head and stuck within my abuse for years and years. It wasn’t until I found bodysex that I decided “yes that happened to me, so what?” Bodysex taught me that we all have trauma of some kind, it’s what we do after it that really changes worlds. Bodysex taught me how to reclaim my body, reclaim my sexuality and live a self-full life, no matter what the world had or will throw at me. Bodysex taught me that my body belongs to me, for me.
If you’re hoping to reclaim your body from a past abusive situation or from the society that teaches us to forever please others, and you would like to explore and start focusing on pleasure in your life, bodysex will take you out of your mind and get you focused back into the beauty that is your body. That is all bodies.
Honoring the body and the pleasure it is capable of is absolutely groundbreaking in healing the trauma we all carry. Self pleasure is a raw truth (genuine honesty) that only our bodies can tell and only our bodies can receive.
You deserve pleasure. If you’d like to connect or talk please reach out to me anytime and we can schedule a quick phone call or a zoom.
You can read my blog posts about sexuality as my website and there you will find Workshop dates and events as well.
Instagram @bodysexmichigan
Read Articles by Lakota
Womanhood in a Broken System
When I was 17 I decided I was ready to have penetrative sex with my then boyfriend. I went to planned parenthood with my mom and they put me on the pill. I gave it a good try for a few months and the mood swings were not working for me. I went back in, told them and...
The Fullness of Motherhood and the Need for Choice
I have three amazing beautiful little kids aged 13, 10, and 6. Often times when I’m out alone with the kids or with my husband most people passing by make comments like “phew I bet you’re busy”, or “i bet your hands are full”. These people aren’t wrong, not only are...
The Lie of the Prize and My Shift to Power
“How to Make Him Love You” “50 Tips to Blow His Mind in Bed”“Make Him Yours”“Man Melting Massage”“100 Hottest Women” These were the messages on Cosmo covers I read throughout my adolescence. Nobody told me it outright but the biggest take aways I got from this was how...
Masturbation is Where I Find Myself
Speaking my mind has always been a really hard thing to do. Not only because I feared what everyone would think every time I spoke my truth, but also because I couldn’t hear my own truth. My whole life I saw my external world as more important, more prominent than my...
Shedding Menstrual Shame in the Sacred Space of Bodysex
I stared at my period app calendar, frustrated that either it wasn’t right or my body wasn’t. I was supposed to have my period by now, in fact I’d intentionally planned this Bodysex circle so that it would be just past the heavy days. Every time I went to the bathroom...
Fantasy Fosters my Self-Acceptance
Art by Betty Dodson As I ground my pubic mound down onto my partners I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. Strangely enough at that same moment my mind began wandering and started to really focus in on the guy I’d recently begun befriending. I could...
The Power of Pleasure: Establishing Self-Love Through Masturbation
“You’ll be a pretty girl when you grow up” my dad said when I was probably around 10. I felt like I was in a car driving on the highway and hit a road block as soon as I heard this. I tried so hard to be what he wanted, to be someone he could tolerate spending any...
From Mother to Daughter: Creating a Positive Puberty Together
I hadn’t realized that I’d been hoping that my daughter would just grow pubic hair, love it, and never want to do anything with it independently until about a week ago. I sat at my computer reading through emails when I heard my daughter say from the bathroom, “Hey,...
I Used to Hate My Pubic Hair
Sitting on the toilet, looking at the newly found dark curly hair between my legs, I feel horrified, and disgusted. I didn’t ask for these hairs, these weren’t supposed to happen until I was a grown adult, what are they doing here on my 9 year old body!? Not only is...
My Current Relationship with My Body and Orgasm
How do I feel about my body? How do I feel about my orgasm? These two questions always bring my attention and focus right into the exact current moment I’m experiencing. Bringing my focus to how I feel right now in the moment serves to help me understand what my needs...