by Betty & Carlin | Jan 29, 2022 | Betty Dodson, Bodysex, Carlin Ross, Clitoris, Labia, Orgasm, Self-Pleasure, Selflove, Vagina, Video, Vulva
These videos about orgasm with Betty and Carlin can be found on their YouTube channel. This list was curated by Bodysex Leaders Rósa, Céline, and Laura. We recommend them to our clients as well as women who would like to lead Bodysex Workshops....
by Betty Dodson | Aug 2, 2018 | Article, Betty Dodson, Fantasy, Masturbation Techniques, Orgasm, Penetration, Self-Pleasure
One of the first emails is from a gal writing for a woman’s magazine: They are doing a piece on how women can have the best orgasms/sex life possible from “experts.” I get right to it. The last question is: “What is your own go-to trick when it comes to reaching an...