Vulvas are Pure Beauty
I’d licked, sucked, and entered plenty of vulvas but until my first Bodysex retreat I hadn’t ever just gazed at them. I hadn’t experienced simply taking in their shape, folds, and colors. I like vulvas. I like the texture of vulva skin. I like sliding my fingers on...
I Left My Self-Doubt in the Circle
I am in a life long relationship. We’re the same age and met in our early twenties. In our mid fifties each of us started to feel a nagging need for personal growth and self-exploration. We both were looking for an adjustment to our life choices and routines. We both...
Bodysex was My Way Home
“I did not come. Again. Geez, how can this be so difficult. I used to like sex – right!? In fact, I have no idea. Maybe I just liked the idea of sex. Back in the day. Before three kids and a decade of marriage. For some reason, orgasm is suddenly more important than...