Anger Has a Purpose
I find my power when I’m angry I saw him enter the building, walking past signs that read: Do not enter. Private event for women only. “Get out! No!” I shouted as I propelled toward him, pushing him with the energy from my body. Now I imagine myself in that moment as...
My Menopause Story
I’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy for nearly 30 years. It’s improved my quality of life and physical health. I wouldn’t want to live without it. At age 37, my periods stopped abruptly. I would awaken at night, hot and drenched in sweat. These episodes...
Gut-Punched by the Dobbs Decision
I was a teenager in 1973 when Roe v. Wade was decided by the Supreme Court. The 70’s was a time when women gained so many basic rights – The right to own a home The right to have a credit card The right to work while pregnant Just to name a few. I was optimistic about...