by Mette J | Mar 13, 2024 | Article, Fantasy, Mette J, Uncategorized
Art by Betty Dodson What’s my favorite fantasy? What’s my kink? What’s my fetish? For me, thinking about those questions can be tricky and somewhat disturbing. Why? Because they tend to make me feel ordinary and restricted. Am I really that vanilla-ish? What’s wrong...
by Mette J | Nov 15, 2023 | Article, Body Connection, Bodysex, Mette J, Orgasm
In a Bodysex workshop we start out answering these two questions: How do you feel about your body? How do you feel about your orgasm? It is a great way to open! The leader starts sharing, and one by one each participant continues. The leader holds space, and then we...
by Mette J | Oct 19, 2023 | Article, Bodysex
I am in a life long relationship. We’re the same age and met in our early twenties. In our mid fifties each of us started to feel a nagging need for personal growth and self-exploration. We both were looking for an adjustment to our life choices and routines. We both...