My Menopause Story
I’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy for nearly 30 years. It’s improved my quality of life and physical health. I wouldn’t want to live without it. At age 37, my periods stopped abruptly. I would awaken at night, hot and drenched in sweat. These episodes...
Gut-Punched by the Dobbs Decision
I was a teenager in 1973 when Roe v. Wade was decided by the Supreme Court. The 70’s was a time when women gained so many basic rights – The right to own a home The right to have a credit card The right to work while pregnant Just to name a few. I was optimistic about...
I Didn’t Know I Was Good at Sex
For most of my life, I believed that I just wasn’t good at sex. I considered myself to be later bloomer with partner sex. I was 31 when I had intercourse for the first time. After about an hour of kissing and touching, we went to my bedroom. I was aroused and eager. I...
My Memories of Betty
“A sister needs our help,” said 87-year-old Betty as she crawled on all fours across the circle and sat next to me. It was my Bodysex certification workshop and we were practicing the breath of fire. To my horror, Betty put her hand on my stomach, my most-hated and...