by Jessica | Mar 30, 2023 | Article, Jessica Adams, Orgasm
Jessica's GoFundMe Imagine a piece of music that combines the most grounding frequencies with sounds reaching out of this world, all being held together by the sounds of pleasure. Do you have an idea what that could sound like? J I must admit that I am asking a...
by Betty & Carlin | Mar 27, 2023 | Betty Dodson, Carlin Ross, Laura Bogush, Penetration, Vagina, Video
Betty Dodson created the barbell after 40 years of workshops. It’s perfection. Buy on Amazon...
by Laura Bogush | Mar 18, 2023 | Article, Fantasy, Laura Bogush
Erotic art has been created around the world throughout history. Intended to inspire sexual arousal, erotic art usually depicts nudity and sex acts It takes many forms, including drawings, paintings, lithographs, photographs, films, sculptures, and more. Erotic art...
by Celine | Mar 12, 2023 | Article, Bodysex, Céline Manon
Written by Céline Manon Arriving in Tenerife after a long winter at the beginning of February – I felt ready! I felt joy and I felt honored to be able to serve the women who would show up at the Finca Anna and I had rented for 5 days to hold the first ‘Women’s...
by Carlin & Laura | Mar 10, 2023 | Carlin Ross, Laura Bogush, Overcoming Shame & Trauma, Podcast, Self-Pleasure, Video, Vulva
The first step in becoming orgasmic is vulva massage. Carlin Ross & Betty Dodson · Vulva...