Anger is a destroyer of demons that obstruct your growth and happiness.
Anger is a feeling that erupts sometimes as if out of nowhere.
The boiling, bubbling tension just waiting to be triggered.
It’s loud, it’s intimidating, even a nuisance.
You should be ashamed to express this anger.
Why are you always angry?
That’s enough, go to your room.
Anger feels like pain.
Anger is a messenger.
What have you not said?
My anger often came from reaching my limit.
What I know about my anger is this.
Anger is fear
Anger is loneliness
Anger is a call for help
Judged, criticised and punished for not handling my emotions made me feel tired, sick and
Help me
I need a huge hug.
I need to be told everything is ok.
Why are you angry?
I don’t know.
What do you want?
Anger is Love.
She looked at me with her big brown eyes and smiled softly, I knew she could feel the hurt I had
been holding onto and in that instant her words opened my heart and all the shame and
judgement I felt, released.
You are still lovable even if you get angry.
Now when I haven’t been taking care of myself.
Anger starts to take the lead.
It starts with annoyance.
And eventually irritation that builds to anger.
I think Anger’s purpose is to tell us to recentre…
To love ourselves better.
To love ourselves more.
Betty’s antidote to love was masturbation. A self love practice that brought you back to yourself.
The release of an orgasm is a direct action of self love.
It’s tension and then release.
Anger calls out for love. Sometimes in the most unconstructive ways.
Emotional outbursts.
Anger hurts me.
Anger hurts you.
Anger was explosive.
Release the shame.
Feel it.
I have chosen the Goddess Durga to represent the power of anger when wielded correctly.
Photo by Tanuj Adhikary on Unsplash

Emma is currently in training as a Bodysex Coach.
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