Becoming . . . Liquid

Becoming . . . Liquid

Published February 4, 2023

I have turned to liquid. Not so much swimming as melting into the sounds of sisters and myself as I, we, sink deeper into the mystical, magical experience of erotic recess. Charging ourselves with pleasure for ourselves. Showing myself to myself. What feeds me, what nourishes me, what does my mind, body, spirit, soul want in this moment… and now in this moment… and now in this… moment… by… moment… , asking myself, what would make this feel even better? S l o o o o o w I n g  d o w n . As I keep going. Noticing and savoring.   

This was my experience at January’s incredibly delicious Bodysex. It’s addicting. Facilitating this retreat. Welcoming new women into authentic sisterhood. Witnessing the blossoming, the aha’s, the sharing, the healing, the embracing, the growth.I cover my front door, a large pane of glass that lets in the beautiful winter light, with a large sticky note that asks, “Why Are You Here?”. I seed it with answers from other Bodysex Goddesses, and throughout the retreat it gets filled with the answers of new erotic explorers. 

To show myself to myself

To be embodied and in love with myself

To be able to open my heart and let go

To further my liberation!

To feel my own pleasure and to find my feelings of desire

To love myself more deeply

To have more insight and access to my body and my orgasm

To learn about my body and accept myself as I am

To feel more and to live more authentically

To inspire me to practice self love

To learn to LET GO

To feel hopeful – my sex life can get better

To share my turn on

To practice staying with pleasure

To feel supported and understood

To heal body shame

To create more pleasure in my life through education

To heal

I am honored to share this journey. I feel gifted by the presence of every single one of my Bodysex Sisters. And I know they feel the same, about every single woman who joins us in the Circle. There is a divine Goddess spark that runs through all of us. If you feel called, answer the call. There’s something here for you. April’s Bodysex in Portland, OR is going to be delicious, delightful, soul drenching in liquid light and love and liminal space as we dive into ourselves supported by sisters who are also erotic explorers, reclaiming ourselves for ourselves.

You belong. 

#bodyimage #NoMoreShame #believeinyourself #overcometrauma #overcometraumawithlove #bodylove #BettyDodson

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