Carlin Ross
New York, NY
Carlin was Betty’s business partner for 10 years.
She is the “keeper of all things Betty Dodson.”
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YouTube Videos About Orgasm
These videos about orgasm with Betty and Carlin can be found on their YouTube channel. This list was curated by Bodysex Leaders Rósa, Céline, and Laura. We recommend them to our clients as well as women who would like to lead Bodysex Workshops. Enjoy!
My Last Interview with Betty
I boiled Betty's life down to 10 questions and recorded this interview during our Master Class series. There are a few stories I never heard before....even Betty had forgotten them. I miss her. About the above self-portrait by Betty:"After I shaved my head and pubic...
My Interview in Glamour
When I sat down with the writer, Jenny, I knew this would be a quality piece. I love this younger generation of women. They're smart, capable and out there making their mark. Here's the entire article How Carlin Ross, the Woman Who Orgasmed on the Goop Lab Netflix...
Betty’s Latest Feature in the NY Times
It seems like a million years ago - driving into Betty's with Grayson to sit down with the NY Times. This is our first post-COVID-19 piece and I couldn't be prouder of Betty. Somehow no matter what's going on around her, Betty is right on point. Here is my favorite...
The Pleasure is Ours
I can't describe how it feels to watch yourself display your vulva and orgasm on a theatre screen the night before its released on an international media platform like Netflix. It was surreal and amazing. I've never been more proud of Betty and me, our work, our...
Sex During Your Period is Just One of the Reasons
Yes, that's my menstrual blood and I'm bleeding right now. I am in my power. This post has been rolling around in my mind - I've been thinking about how much I love being a woman and how my menstrual cycle connects me to the tides, the lunar cycle and to all living...