Our coaches wrote about the sexual myths that held us back and how we overcame them.
Browse the links below to read the full post.
The Myth About My Sexuality
“From the moment I was told that a vagina smelled like fish, I started washing myself with soap”
by Bernadette de Graaf
The Lie of the Prize and My Shift to Power
by Lakota Fradette
Mine and Mine Alone
“Today I know that the wetness of my body says absolutely nothing about my desire and is most definitely not a sign for consent.”
by Jessica Adams
Oh the Lies
“I was told many times by my grandmother I should have been a boy. “
by Grace Oasis
Death and Renewal to Sexual Lies I No Longer Believe
“I feel the burned women and witches in my bones still. Those who burned because they refused to hide or give in to the darkening times and lies of the church, continuing instead to live their lives openly.”
by Lincoln
I Thought I Was Too Much
” ‘You’re a gay man trapped in a woman’s body’, announced my boyfriend . . .”
by Carlin Ross
I Didn’t Know I Was Good at Sex
“There is no shame in having or not having intercourse at a certain age.”
.by Laura Bogush