Speak Your Mind, State Your Pleasure

Speak Your Mind, State Your Pleasure

Published June 28, 2024

Betty’s mother told her, “Betty Ann, never be afraid to speak your mind.” Our coaches wrote about their journey with speaking up.

Browse the links below to read the full post.

Dear Ex-Boyfriends, Dear Younger Self

“Now that I’ve found you, my younger selves, I want you to know that I believe you, all of you. I promise I will never shut down your emotions or wisdom again.”
by Emily Iverson

Masturbation is Where I Find Myself

“Little by little as time goes by I find myself one piece at a time my body confirming what I know with bits of pleasure and by the end, alongside pleasure, I find and hold myself deeply.
by Lakota Fradette

Finding My Voice

“What happened to my sweet, docile Laura?,” Auntie exclaimed.
“She’s gone,” I proclaimed firmly”
by Laura Bogush

Teenage Orgies

“Then he said, “real men always let their girlfriends have girlfriends.”  My mind was blown.”
by Rachel Andrea

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