We Are the Fucking Sky
I started to experience overwhelming waves of rage upon the repeal of Roe v Wade. What made things worse was that no one seemed phased in the slightest. Deny women healthcare -after 50 years of clear precedent – just another day in America. There were no...
Anger is a Messenger
Anger is a destroyer of demons that obstruct your growth and happiness. Anger is a feeling that erupts sometimes as if out of nowhere.The boiling, bubbling tension just waiting to be triggered.It’s loud, it’s intimidating, even a nuisance.You should be ashamed to...
Anger and Our Wild Selves
“Betty used to say, ‘Women need to get in touch with their anger and they need to do it all the time,’” Carlin said as the group of us discussed this month’s blog topic over zoom. “Pleasure connects us to our anger,” said one writer. “I actually have a really hard...
My Anger Experience
Photo: A wood burning I made to remind myself to let my Heart unfurl and feel it all A couple of years ago, one of my best friends had her I.U.D. removed. Notoriously, I.U.D. insertion is painful and traumatizing. The cramps from insertion mimic labor contractions....