My Dirty Mind
Art by Betty Dodson He smelled like gingerbread. We made small talk as he prepared me for bed. Then he instructed me to lay down on my back and get comfortable. He pulled the covers over my body and tucked me in. “If you need anything just call out my name,” his deep...
Fantasy Fosters my Self-Acceptance
Art by Betty Dodson As I ground my pubic mound down onto my partners I could feel myself getting closer and closer to orgasm. Strangely enough at that same moment my mind began wandering and started to really focus in on the guy I’d recently begun befriending. I could...
Normalizing My Fantasies
The same week in 1973 that Cosmo published an article stating that women were scientifically incapable of having sexual fantasies, My Secret Garden was released to the public. The book is a compilation of women’s fantasies. Nancy Friday, the author/compiler, grouped...
Kink Envy?
Art by Betty Dodson What’s my favorite fantasy? What’s my kink? What’s my fetish? For me, thinking about those questions can be tricky and somewhat disturbing. Why? Because they tend to make me feel ordinary and restricted. Am I really that vanilla-ish? What’s wrong...