Abortion: A Self-Reflection
As a child born in the early 1960’s the message was simple: abortion is a sin and so is sex outside of marriage. So, I never thought much about abortions or marriage. Then at the age of 12, I remember my teacher asking if there are any circumstances when abortion is...
Oh the Lies
I was pondering what are myths? I started with google and found Joseph Campbell’s and Wikipedia’s definition of myths and their functions. I never realized there where so many definitions and functions of myths and how my culture is ladened with myth, not just sexual...
Tribute to Betty Dodson
I stumbled across Betty Dodson’s life’s work while I was looking for a comprehensive sex program that included nudity. Well, I found that and more. Betty’s books and art work challenged my puritan views of sex and showed me a path to reclaim my sexuality. As I explore...