by Lincoln | Oct 19, 2023 | Article, Bodysex, Lincoln, Vulva
I’d licked, sucked, and entered plenty of vulvas but until my first Bodysex retreat I hadn’t ever just gazed at them. I hadn’t experienced simply taking in their shape, folds, and colors. I like vulvas. I like the texture of vulva skin. I like sliding my fingers on...
by Carlin & Laura | May 12, 2023 | Bodysex, Carlin Ross, Laura Bogush, Video, Vulva
Looking at your vulva in a mirror is healing. Betty’s vulva mirror has reflected thousands of vulvas. We can’t wait to share this mirror at the next...
by Carlin & Laura | Mar 10, 2023 | Carlin Ross, Laura Bogush, Overcoming Shame & Trauma, Podcast, Self-Pleasure, Video, Vulva
The first step in becoming orgasmic is vulva massage. Carlin Ross & Betty Dodson · Vulva...
by Carlin & Laura | Feb 11, 2023 | Carlin Ross, Laura Bogush, Vagina, Video, Vulva, Women's Health & Wellness
All you need is soap and water, or even just water. Your vagina is self-cleaning. It’s better to not douche, even with water. Cleanliness is important, but you don’t need anything special. Staying in touch with your own natural smell and taste is...
by Carlin & Laura | Feb 3, 2023 | Carlin Ross, Laura Bogush, Self-Pleasure, Vagina, Video, Vulva, Women's Health & Wellness
The short answer: No. It’s healthy to touch, stimulate, lubricate and penetrate our sex...
by Carlin & Laura | Oct 28, 2022 | Article, Carlin Ross, Clitoris, Labia, Laura Bogush, Pleasure Anatomy, Podcast, Vagina, Video, Vulva
Betty championed the vulva and brought the word clitoris into popular language. In honor of the second anniversary of Betty’s passing, we talk about the clitoris and the variety of vulvas. There’s great variety in the size, shape, and color of the...