My Anger Experience
Photo: A wood burning I made to remind myself to let my Heart unfurl and feel it all A couple of years ago, one of my best friends had her I.U.D. removed. Notoriously, I.U.D. insertion is painful and traumatizing. The cramps from insertion mimic labor contractions....
Ready to Pop
Right now, anger swells inside me like a balloon about to pop. But it doesn’t. Instead, it simmers just beneath the surface of my skin, perfectly expanding into every space of my being, yet so neatly confined. This anger—buried beneath sadness, or perhaps the sadness...
Céline wrote in German.Use Google translate to read in English or another language Prä-Menopause Es kam schleichend… Wie fast alle Veränderungen,die unser Körper im Laufe des Lebens durchmacht, passierte auch die Veränderung von meinem Zyklus so langsam, dass ich es...
My Menopause Story
I’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy for nearly 30 years. It’s improved my quality of life and physical health. I wouldn’t want to live without it. At age 37, my periods stopped abruptly. I would awaken at night, hot and drenched in sweat. These episodes...