Our coaches wrote about their relationship with menstruation.
Browse the links below to read the full post.

Shedding Menstrual Shame in the Sacred Space of Bodysex
by Lakota Fradette

Blood Everywhere
“The full overflowing cup did an acrobatics routine, jumping up out of my hand, twirling towards the floor, and, in a spectacular firework display, bedazzled the surroundings with a million blood sequins.”
by Emily Iverson

A Love Letter to my Moon Flow, Crones, and to Myself
“I am entering post-menopause, and while my moon no longer flows, my spirit does. And it’s fierce and flowing.”
by Amy Weissfeld

Red Wings
“The taste of me on his lips was sweet and metallic, like when you cut your finger and suck on it to stop the bleeding.”
by Jennifer Rahner
Who is Afraid of Blood?
“I took my seat and spread my legs announcing ‘This is my blood shed for you. Now you will see what a vulva looks like when menstruating.’”
by Monica Emond

Busy and Disconnected from My Body
“I darted into the bathroom to change my tampon and realized it wasn’t there.”
by Tosh Patterson

My Menstruation Story
“My mother started menopause in her early 40’s so I’m trying to enjoy and appreciate my periods before they are gone forever.”
by Rachel Andrea

Blood Medicine
“I brought the menstrual cup from my lips to my lips, sniffing its richness. Then I drank it down in one gulp.”
by Emily Iverson