My Self-Love Aroma
I watched him smell his left fingers. He slowly sniffed the middle two. “Smell,” he said. I held his hand and sniffed his middle fingers. The aroma smelled familiar, but I could not place it. “What is it?” I asked. “You,” he...
Pubic Hair
These posts written by our leaders are so good. We can’t pick a a favorite. Enjoy. Browse the links below to read the full post. The time I accidently gained an appreciation for my lady garden on the least sexiest day of my life I spent 30 years worrying about...
The Fur That Grows On My Skin
Wendy shares her relationship with the fur that grows on her skin. My Fur by Wendy...
Free to Be Hair Positive
“And extra cheese on the large pizza, please,” said the woman. I added the changes to their order, and tried to make the action of pushing my pelvis forward so that my pubic mound might brush against the lower part of the counter – even for a second of relief...