I watched him smell his left fingers. He slowly sniffed the middle two.
“Smell,” he said.
…prioritizing myself first at stressful times.
Photo credit: Photo by Nsey Benajah on Unsplash

Tosh Patterson
Tosh is currently in training as a Bodysex Leader.
Read Articles by Tosh
The BEST Sex Advice Betty Shared
I never met Betty Dodson, but she became my mentor over the years. When she was 80 years old, she shared a tip I'd never heard: use almond oil to lubricate your hands, nipples, AND vulva before self-pleasure. Fast forward a few days, and I finally have some alone...
Busy and Disconnected from My Body
This is the most embarrassing story. And maybe even a little TMI (too much info) but if you stick with me there’s a point. Rewind to 2010. My days were fast-paced. At that time, my to-do list was never-ending. I’d earned two promotions at work so I was part of the...
My Story from the NO HAIR Battlefield
I’ve always been perplexed by the fact that my body is covered in hair, but to be considered a desirable and feminine woman I should not have any hair on my face, armpits, legs, or vulva. And to top it off, I shouldn’t have hair on my butt either now that I live in a...
My Body. My Orgasm.
Each Bodysex Circle starts with a ritual where every woman openly answers the questions, "how do you feel about your body?" and "how do you feel about your orgasm?" Before stepping into the Bodysex sisterhood, I never consciously thought about how I feel about my body...