

Published March 27, 2024

Our coaches wrote about their relationship with fantasy.

Browse the links below to read the full post.

Life Is Just a Fantasy

“That’s what fantasy is for, really, to help you push your self-imposed limits and find out who you really are.  I’ve realized that I’m at a point where my most raw fantasies are things I would never actually do, so I feel like I’ve discovered where that frontier ends.”
by Jennifer Rahner

Perfect Day

“This particular fantasy contains no actual sex act per se. The story proposes instead a canvas of possibilities where sex lingers all along.”
by Monica Emond

Normalizing My Fantasies

“Years of guilt about needing to be hit and raped to get off had melted away. I felt exposed, tender, and tired. I hadn’t known this normalization would happen so I hadn’t planned for replacement fantasies. “
by Emily Iverson

Kink Envy?

“So with kindness, and without shaming my mind for the lack of kinkiness, I will share some of the more sexy parts of my mind: Thoughts that randomly come to me and spontaneously turn me on.”
by Mette J

Fantasy Fosters My Self-Acceptance

 “Just talking about some of my fantasies with friends or people I know has released so much shame for me. Allowing them to enhance my pleasure has created such a strong foundation of self love and self acceptance. “
by Lakota Fradette

My Dirty Mind

“If you need anything just call out my name,” his deep voice purred as he turned out the lights and closed the door.”
by Laura Bogush

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