Carlin Ross
New York, NY
Carlin was Betty’s business partner for 10 years.
She is the “keeper of all things Betty Dodson.”
Read more posts by Carlin
Partner-Assisted Orgasms
As Betty said, "it's about my finger on my clit". Partners only enhance your orgasm because no one knows your sex organ better than you. But we do love their fingers and there's nothing like staying at the opening 😉 Did I mention that Betty shared her new fantasy...
The Basic Structures of Your Vulva
Betty has championed the distinction of "vulva" vs "vagina" for decades and there's a very important reason. Your vulva is your clitoral glans, inner and outer labia and your vaginal opening. Your clitoris exists solely for pleasure. Women can enjoy multiple...
Examples of Unbroken Hymens
I never had a hymen...Betty never had a hymen. When I shared with my mother that hymens thin out and break apart with the release of estrogen during puberty, she was relieved. She was a virgin when she got married and always wondered why she didn't bleed after her...
The Variation of Clitoral Hoods
This graphic charting the variation of clitoral hoods was posted on a tumblr blog - it was created by a 22 year-old guy who's currently restoring his foreskin and opposed to infant circumcision. He wondered whether clitoral hoods followed the same range in "coverage"...
The Range of Vulva Styles
Back in the 70's, during the Genital Show & Tell ritual in her Bodysex workshops, Betty started identifying the "style" of each vulva using architectural styles as a reference: Classical, Gothic, Modern, Renaissance, Baroque, and the Heart. The women connected...
From Trauma to Orgasms
Every Woman on the Planet Has Been Sexually Traumatized. At best, we've been objectified, demeaned, shamed, guilted, and manipulated into believing that we don't deserve pleasure on our own terms. At worst, we've been groped, assaulted, raped and blamed for male lust....