Menopause Blogs
We wrote about our experiences with menopause. Browse the links below to read the full post. Womanhood in a Broken System “At this point, if you’re having this many issues, it’s not the birth control, it’s you. You should think about seeing a...
My Menopause Story
I’ve been taking hormone replacement therapy for nearly 30 years. It’s improved my quality of life and physical health. I wouldn’t want to live without it. At age 37, my periods stopped abruptly. I would awaken at night, hot and drenched in sweat. These episodes...
Womanhood in a Broken System
When I was 17 I decided I was ready to have penetrative sex with my then boyfriend. I went to planned parenthood with my mom and they put me on the pill. I gave it a good try for a few months and the mood swings were not working for me. I went back in, told them and...
Is It Hot in Here or Is It Just Me?
Revisiting Menopausal Hormone Therapy When I was a new Nurse Practitioner (NP), the Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) evidence-based medicine guidelines scared the sh * t out of many prescribers. I was one of them. HRT went from being the miracle drugs for treating...